My Twitter Page and Other News

Today’s posting is just an update on what I have been doing. Now and then I will give what news there is on my front.

The first piece of information to give is that I am now on My page can be found here:

As to what I have been up to, with all of this virus business taking place I am out of work for the time being, as are many people here in the United States. For me, it has been a month and a half since being out, as of this writing. But that is out of my hands, and with all of the extra spare time I simply must take advantage of it and do some writing work.

Right now I am working on the second book for The Drifters’ Road book series. I first started writing it last June and finished the first draft back in early October. It is a little longer than the first book, with twenty-one chapters in total compared to seventeen for the first book. I hesitate to say when it will be completed, but I will say that it has come a good way and is approaching editing, though again, I hesitate to say when I think it will reach that stage, as that always depends on how well everything comes along.

While working on the second book, I am also making on an outline for the third book. All of the major events I have figured out for that book and the rest of the entire story, but figuring out the chapter by chapter details always takes some work. I am coming along on it though. Among other things, I am working on historical details for the world in which the story takes place. Like the whole book series, all major events are figured out, but within the world’s history there are all kinds of smaller stories that can be told. I am at the drawing board, so to speak, and that might be the best part of making a story.

Well, I don’t think there is much else to tell right now. At home, robins have had no luck in trying to nest on the porch light. Two years ago a robin made a nest there and laid three eggs, but sometime after a hawk came and took the mother before the eggs hatched. This spring another robin made a nest in the very same spot, and this time the nest fell over and the eggs cracked. Perhaps next year might provide better luck if any robins choose to make another nest there.

That is all the news I can give for now. Farewell and take care.

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