The Drifters’ Road Characters: Edelbir

Adroegen and Caitren, the two main characters, I have spoken to you about, and there are four characters now still remaining, being Edelbir, Kattalin, Gleowan, and Vaenn. I will begin with the character of Edelbir, who is the oldest of the company, at the age of twenty-three when the first book begins.

To begin, I will make one quick comment about the four remaining characters. While both Adroegen and Caitren know of their roots, Edelbir, Kattalin, Gleowan, and Vaenn are all unsure of where they come from, and of who their families are. Each of them was either mysteriously found as infants and brought to the hidden village where the tale begins, or they were left there.

Edelbir was found as an infant, with only one clue as to who his true family might be and where he might come from. When discovered, Edelbir had a blue jewel around his neck, with a carving of a tree that has two roots with the heads of serpents to each end, and one great star at the top surrounded by seven smaller stars. He is certain that it must come from his true family, though Edelbir cannot be entirely sure.

Now to describe Edelbir, I would say that he is the tallest and the strongest of all in the company, and that Edelbir is one who has always enjoyed working. If Edelbir had his way, he would live a simple life until the end of his days, as he likes nothing more than to work on tilled earth as well as all other everyday labors that would come with such a lifestyle. He is kind hearted and a mature young man, certainly more so than Gleowan and Vaenn, though I will speak of those two characters in another post.

Edelbir has no desire to live as a king, nor does he wish to fight. His fascination lies more in things like building a home, working as a smith, harvesting crops, or any other sort of work. However, like the others in the company, Edelbir is forced to leave home and enter conflicts in a much larger world, and in doing so, he is forced to leave the sort of life that he is content with living. When he understands that there is evil about, Edelbir is unable to ignore it, and he finds that the only way to be free of such evil is by facing and defeating it. And so, while Edelbir would rather live a simpler life until his time on that earth is over, he will be forced to become something far greater as the story goes on, and part of this will come as he finds out who he is as well as where he comes from, when that day arrives in which he discovers those answers.

I best not say anything else about Edelbir. There is much that I have in store for him, but of course I cannot give such things away now when the tale has only begun! The next character that I will talk about is Kattalin, a lady who likes to daydream, and among what she daydreams of is venturing out to the sea one day. I will leave further detail on her though for the next character posting. Farewell until then. 

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